We’ll transfer your domain for free
We have some the cheapest domain prices, happy to transfer you for free from (or to) your current domain registrar.
Free Domain Parking
We don’t charge anything extra for domain parking. Register your domain today, use it now or later.
Free DNS Hosting
Unlike other companies, our DNS hosting is completely free. Connect your domain to our hosting or any other hosting your prefer to use.
Renewal Reminders
We’ll send you a reminder when your domain is near renewal, before it expires!
More domain options
Most people use .com.au, but we do have hundreds of other domain extensions to choose from too.
URL & Email forwarding
Free option to setup URL and Email forwarding.
Highly Secure
Free auLOCKDOWN, WHOIS Privacy Opt-In and DNSSEC Services Available.
Support Australia
As well as being Australian owned and run, all services are running on Australian servers.
Complete Package
You can do anything with your domain here, as we have the complete package for small and large businesses and real people to talk to.
About Australian domains..
Always the same low price whether buying new or renewing. All transfers in or out, are free of charge.
$19 AUD
you must have one of the following..
- Be an Australian sole trader, partnership or registered company
- Trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory
- A foreign company licensed to trade in Australia
- Be an owner or applicant of an Australian Registered Trade Mark
- An association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory
- An Australian commercial statutory body
$19 AUD
These domains are for non-commercial organisations only. You must have one of the follow..
- an Australian incorporated association
- an Australian political party
- an Australian Trade Union or organisation under Workplace Relations Act 1966
- an Australian sporting or special interest club
$19 AUD
Registrants must have one of the following..
- an Australian citizen
- an Australian resident
- 1-5 years
$19 AUD
Registrants must have one of the following..
- will be open to anyone with a verified connection to Australia
- for organisations, group, or individuals
- 1-5 years
About New Zealand domains..
$36 AUD
- Unmoderated. Anyone can register!
- Domain name redistricted to 3-63 characters
- 1-10 years
- Use character a-z, 0-9, not any special characters
- org – for not-for-profit organisation
- co – for commercial organisations
- net – for internet services
$36 AUD
- For schools, educational and related organisations
- 1-10 years
- No domain certificate
$36 AUD
- Unmoderated domain
- For individuals, groups or organisations
- 1-10 years
About Generic domains
$29 AUD
- Unmoderated. Anyone can register!
- .com .net .org and .info domain names cannot exceed 67 characters.
- .info and .biz must have at least 3 characters not including .info and .biz
- Other domain names cannot exceed 22 characters not including the extension.
- 1-10 years registration options
- Domain names are not case sensitive, can only character a-z, 0-9, or a dash
- .com – used for commercial or personal sites
- .net – recommended for companies involved in internet infrastructure
- .org – recommended for not-for-profit organisations
- .info – used for commercial or personal sites
- .biz – restricted to commercial and business purposes
from $24 AUD
- Unmoderated. Anyone can register!
- Most domains are restricted to 3 to 67 characters
- Domain names are not case sensitive, can only character a-z, 0-9, or a dash
- .mobi – mainly used for websites designed for mobile devices
- .tv – domain most commonly used for the television industry
- .name – for registering your website in your personal name
- .info – for information websites
from $29 AUD
- Hundreds of these new extensions available
- Most are unmoderated domains
- For individuals, groups or organisations
What exactly is a domain name?
A domain name is the address of a website that people use to access it on the internet. For example, the domain name of this website is “assistant.google.com”. A domain name typically consists of a top-level domain (TLD), such as “.com” or “.org”, and a second-level domain, such as “google” in this example. read more
A domain name is like a street address for a website. Just as you need to know the address of a building to visit it in person, you need to know a website’s domain name to access it online. Domain names are used to make it easier for people to remember and find websites, and they are an important part of a website’s identity.
Why do I need a domain name?
If you want your own website that is yours then you will need a domain name for it. Or, if you have tradename you want to protect, then you might want to buy the associated domain name. read more
There are different types of domain names, but most will require your contact details as to register the domain to. Australian domain names also required to be registered to an ABN. Most domain names are cheap to register, usually around $20 per year.
Some people buy a domain name in the hope they can auction it at higher price, eg. ‘telephone.com’ has never had a website as the owner wants to sell it for $2m.
How do I choose the right domain name?
A domain name can almost be anything you want, but the name chosen is usually related to the business name. Sometimes the domain name is more related to the services you offer, like ‘printshop.com’. When choosing the right domain name for you, you should consider what is most likely someone is going to type in to a Google search as to find your services. You should consider that you might want the domain to also be used for your own email services, like ‘’. read more
You can own multiple domain names, but each domain will cost you a yearly renew fee, so once you own the domain name you should put it work.
You can make a domain name just redirect to another domain name. eg. qldtech.com.au will also bring you here. Its useful for a shortcut, but very rarely used, and shortcut domains don’t normally appear within any search engine.
Some businesses have one domain for their website, and will own a different (usually shorter) domain name to run their email. Some businesses do this because they have a parent business already using that domain for email. eg. ‘Telstra.com.au’ have emails coming from ‘Telstra.com’.
What are the different types of domain extensions available?
There are now hundreds of different types of domains, each have a different ending, eg. .com, .org, .info, but generally if your business offering services only within Australia, then you use .com.au. If you are offering services globally, then you would ideally want a .com domain. read more
These domain types are call Domain Extension. The last word after the last dot, is known as the Top Level Domain (TLD). eg. queenslandtech.com.au is uses domain extension .com.au, the TLD of this is .au.
Anyone can use most of the different domain types, but some extensions have requirements that must be met. eg. only governments can use the .gov, and only educational facilities can use .edu
Different domain extensions are managed by various organisations. eg. .com is managed by VeriSign, and com.au is managed by auDA. They are the owners and set the rules, but they don’t sell direct to the public, they are sold through domain brokers like us. Some of these new domain extensions are considered as premium and so only sell at premium prices. eg. domain name that ends with .security will cost you $3987 per year!
We sell hundreds of different domain extensions.
How do I register a domain name?
Once you have found a domain name you like, you can register the domain through any domain vendor like us. Use the ‘Check our domain prices’ above, to check that the domain you want is available and to register it. read more
You should choose a domain vendor that offers good prices and is flexible to how you use your domain, as many vendors charge for things that doesn’t actually cost them anything, and they can lock your domain and some will stop you transferring it without an additional payments to them.
We offer all year round low pricing on all domains, we don’t charge for transfers, and we don’t charge for setting up simple things like DNS or email forwarding.
All domains are always registered with your contact details, your name, postal address, phone number and an email address. Some types of domains require more information. The registration of most Australian domains also needs to know the business its to be associated with.
How much does it cost to register a domain name?
The cost of the domain depends on the type of domain, ie. the domain extension, and where you are buying the domain from. Be careful who you buy your domain through though as some vendors will lock you in and charge large fees as to be able to make any use of the domain you purchased. We don’t have hidden charges such as these, our transfers are free, and our domain registrations are some of the cheapest around! Unlike many other vendors, our renew prices are also the same as the registration price. read more
Use our domain pricing tool to find out the cost of any domain name.
Just enter what domain name you are thinking of buying and it will tell you if its available, how much it costs and any other associated information. If the domain has already been taken, click the ‘alternatives’ to see the list of alternative names that you might be interested in.
How long can I register a domain name for?
Depending on the type of domain, they usually can be registered from 1 year up to 5 or 10 years. Doesn’t really matter how many years you register for, as the cost per year is the same, however registration is likely cheaper now than it will be in the future. read more
This tool will tell you exactly how many years any particular domain can be registered.
It will also display the cost, its availability, and any other additional information about the domain.
How do I renew my domain name registration?
If the domain name is managed or was purchased through us, just let our team know you wish to renewal. You can email, phone, or use our online form: queenslandtech.com.au/domain-renew/. Reminder emails are sent before the renewal is due, but note that its very common for scammers also send these types of reminder emails in attempt to steal your domain name.
If the domain is not managed by us, you can either transfer to us, or you will have to contact the vendor you purchased from as to renewal the domain. read more
If you are unsure who manages your domain, you can use a ‘whois’ service to find out who is managing your domain for you. If you unhappy with your registrar, you can always transfer your domain to a different registrar, who maybe offering cheaper domain renew prices for your domain.
Because most ‘whois’ tools only work with certain types of domains, we have built our own ‘whois’ service that connects to a very wide range of domains types.
Just enter you domain name in to the ‘whois’ tool, and check the ‘Registrar Name’ as to find who is currently managing that domain.
Can I transfer my domain name to a different registrar?
Yep, you can transfer your domain to any registrar, if its the type of domain they are able to manage. Note that a lot of registrars will charge you just for taking your domain away from them. We don’t charge for transfers in or out, and we accept nearly all possible domain types. Users often transfer their domain to us because their current register is limiting what they can do with their domain, and/or because they are getting over charged for renewals.
What is WHOIS, and how does it relate to domain names?
When you register a domain name, the information you used to register the domain name is available by using a WHOIS service. read more
You can use our free WHOIS service to check public information on almost any domain name, (most other WHOIS services are limited to a few domain types).
Just enter the domain name and our tool will communicate with the official database for that domain type as to the result almost instantly. If that database is currently off-line, our WHOIS will check to see if we already have the information from a previous lookup.
Note that many registers now offer ‘ID protection’ service for domain holders, which will hide most of their registration information from the public; in these circumstances, the only method of obtaining the information is by contacting the domain holder’s registrar directly.