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When encountering the “Outlook data file cannot be configured” error its most likely that the local email cache file has become corrupted. These cache files end with .ost. You should locate these files and delete them (only the .ost files, don’t confuse them with .pst files), Outlook will then rebuild the file when reopened.  The guide below will walk you through his.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve

Step 1: Close Microsoft Outlook and Skype for Business

Before making any changes, ensure that both Microsoft Outlook and Skype for Business are completely closed. This will prevent any data conflicts or errors during the process.

Step 2: Open the Run Dialog Box
  1. From the Start menu, choose Run.
  2. In the Run window, type the following path in the Open box: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Outlook\
  3. Click OK.
Step 3: Delete or Rename the .ost File
  1. In the folder that opens, find the .ost file.
  2. You may need to Show Extensions to see the file.
  3. Once located, either rename the .ost file or delete it.
Step 4: Remove Additional Files

You may need to delete additional files within the same folder:

  1. Remove any .xml files: Look for and delete any files with an .xml extension.
  2. Remove any .nst files: Look for and delete any files with an .nst extension.
Step 5: Restart Microsoft Outlook

After deleting the .ost file and other related files, restart Microsoft Outlook. The program will automatically create a new .ost file and synchronize it with your mailbox on the server. This should resolve the configuration issue.

What is an .ost File?

An .ost (Offline Storage Table) file allows you to access your emails, calendar, contacts, and tasks offline in Microsoft Outlook. It is a synchronized copy of your mailbox stored on a server. Sometimes, these files can become corrupted or cause configuration issues, leading to errors.

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